In the News....
Purina Brand Pet Food
To Our Jolly Pond Family,
Just like you, we have been hearing numerous accounts of pets becoming ill after eating Purina brand pet food. We encourage all our clients to do their own thorough research about these claims and, as always, discuss any concerns you have with your veterinarian. Below is a statement sent to us from Purina:
Dear Veterinary Professional,
You may have seen or been asked by your clients about recent online rumors claiming Purina products are harming pets. These rumors are FALSE, and they are causing unnecessary stress for pet parents. We do NOT have any health or safety issues with any of our products, and the people behind this rumor have admitted in several places online they do not have evidence that any issues exists with our brand.
Some of the online posts read as a 'pet food warning' and are very scary to pet owners. We are working to address this misinformation, but these rumors continue to spread quickly and may be creating panic and concern from your clients. We would appreciate your support in dispelling this rumor to the extent you are comfortable.
Please know if there is ever a true issue with our products, you will hear about it from our team directly.